1 Day City Tour

Pick time 8.30 am form north coast hotel. Drive straight to the Akamba wood curving factory where there are about two thousand wood carvers. Here, filming/photographing is allowed. Later visit the biggest wood curving showroom, where you have a hassle free. shopping. From Akamba drive to the biggest Indian Temple, elephant tasks a gateway to a new harbor.
Visit Likoni ferry, Mama Ngina Drive, golf course, presidential palace up to Fort Jesus built by the Portuguese. Visit the old town, old port and spice market drive back to hotel 01.30 p.m.
After lunch drive to the famous Haller Park in time for feeding of giraffes, crocodiles and hippos. There are many types of birds, monkeys, snakes, fish aquarium and the biggest tortoise form the sea shell. The cooling systems by the casurina trees planted to reclaim this land, makes want to stay longer. Later return to the hotel at around 10.30 pm.